


Notizie ed eventi dall'hotel e dalla capitale

SINCE MAY 19, 2021

19 May: a symbolic date that will remain engraved in our memories. This date inaugurates the return of a life full of joy and shared smiles, on the terraces of cafés and restaurants.

When one thinks of the United States and its symbols, the Statue of Liberty quickly comes to the top of the list. French by origin, France has no less than 6 reproductions of the Statue of Liberty in Paris (exhibited in the open air or in the museum). One of these statues is located on an island called Ile aux Cygnes, between the 15th and 16th arrondissements.

FROM 28 MARCH 2021 TO 02 MAY 2021

The days are getting longer, the nice weather is coming back, it's time to enjoy Paris!

Discover the city of lights under a new light...

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